A thin wrapper around the testcontainers library, SWTC lets you easily start and configure a network of Docker services before running a node project.
$ npm install swtc --save-dev
After installing SWTC, you will need to create a .swtc.ts
file. This is the location where you can define what services are required before starting your NodeJS entrypoint.
import { GenericContainer, type SwtcConfig } from 'swtc';
const config: SwtcConfig = {
watch: true,
entrypoint: './server.ts',
containers: [
new GenericContainer('mongo').withExposedPorts(27017).onStart((instance) => {
process.env.DB_URI = `mongodb://${instance.getHost()}:${instance.getMappedPort(27017)}`;
export default config;
After a .swtc.ts
file is configured, you can start your node process with the following command:
npx swtc
Please refer to the SWTC Documentation for more information about setup and configuration.
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)git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature'
)git push origin feature/AmazingFeature
)Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE.md
for more information.
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